The Harlem International Community School (HICS)(a/k/a Lower East Side International community School, INC.) founded in 1976, a private, charter, nonprofit institution, is in its fourth (4th) decade of existence. We have always striven, ever modulating and modifying HICS' program to deliver a top quality education foundation, grades k through 12th.
The evolution of HICS' course of academic study is currently immutably centered on, and driven by, shared goals and values which define the family. Fulfilled goals and values described through nurturance, which equips every student to successfully tackle and master concepts and enjoy the challenge!
Students presently attending the Harlem International Community School are reaping the benefits of 33 years of events/activities that have lead to an accumulation of knowledge and skills.
The updated mission of HICS focuses on the revised curriculum of its kindergarten. A course of study that begins teaching advanced concepts, such as algebra, to 5-year olds. Success in delivering advanced studies in HICS early childhood curriculum revertebrates in academic accomplishment through elementary, middle and senior high school. Moreover, students who are taught in this school's present mode and prescript will, without preparation anxiety, measure well on national, state and local tests.
The revised study outline in the Harlem International Community School's kindergarten are as follows:
[1] HICS' kindergarten is staffed with teachers who are specialists with advanced skills in mathematics and science to teach abstract concepts by bringing about awareness of their literal occurrences in everyone's daily activities (plant and animal life, and other elements permeating human existence). Always keeping in the forefront of our minds that to some degree - infants and all early-age-human beings have cognitive capabilities such as awareness, perception, reasoning and judgment which are too often taken for granted. Knowing that there is NO concept too abstract for infants, toddlers or preteenagers to understand, we plan to provide hands-on apprenticeship with modern instruments, particularly computers.
[2] Recognizing that cognition and feelings are inextricably connected, HICS' teachers are required, and are qualified, to fullfill the role of surrogate/advocate parent. "Always being there" in school for every student in the absence of their parents. Therefore, this school is an extension of every student's family to enhance emotional security which frees the mind to concentrate on learning.
[3] Beginning in kindergarten HICS' introduces concepts of trascendence and inclusion: that every human being has the ability to contribute to life's worthwhile efforts regardless of ethnic or socio-economic circumstances. Therefore, HICS has a nondiscriminatory policy. And, as Alfred Lord Tennyson declared in his poem In Memoriam "...Our little systems have their day; they have their day and cease to be; They are but broken lights of thee, and thou, O Lord, art more than they..." Furthermore, secular history reveals that throughtout antiquity to medernity, every nation has been subdued by another nation and those conquered compelled to servitude and oppression. Therefore HICS students are taught to passionately persue justice with malice towards none: Knowing that "this too shall pass." To be informed for this mission HICS teaches U.S. and World Histories, the Holy Bible-King James Version (HICS is a christian school) from which culture christianity evolved (optional), and the U.S. constitution. Seven (7) foreign languages are included in this school's course of studies: Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Spanish, Hebrew, African, Arabic, French. (Numerous concepts too interrelated to confuse or overwhelm pupils if taught as a reflection of their daily experiences)
Wallie Simpson, Founder and Principal
The Harlem International Community School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship,
and other school-administered programs.
This school is for parents who love God and know that He will protect their children and bless them to be successful in a difficult world.